Chesterton News
Plan of Life Seminar
When the ‘shelter-in-place’ mandate was first set and we discovered that life would change drastically for a time, we knew we needed something to help guide our students through this time with hope and conviction. And so began our Plan of Life Seminar. Every Wednesday, one of our amazing priests leads us in a seminar discussion and Q&A that is open to students and parents alike.
Thank you, Fr. Belmonte!
Today we want to thank Fr. John Belmonte, SJ, the outgoing Superintendent for the Catholic Schools Office in the Diocese of Joliet. His guidance has been crucial to our growth as a school and our affiliation with the diocese.
Chaplain Announcement
We are very pleased to announce that Fr. Ryan Adorjan has been appointed by the Diocese of Joliet to be chaplain of Chesterton Academy of The Holy Family. Fr. Adorjan will begin his chaplaincy in August 2020, and he will be with us on a part-time basis.
More Resources
Resources for your family as you continue to stay home and stay healthy!
Spiritual Resources During Holy Week and COVID-19
Resources for your family this Holy Week.
Coronavirus Precautions
We sent the following letter out on March 5, 2020 to alert all our families about the precautions we have taken to keep our community healthy. Just today, the Diocese of Joliet’s School’s Office issued a letter with further information and direction on the spread of coronavirus. Please take a moment to read it and the letter below if you haven’t already. We will continue to monitor the situation.
Homily by Fr. Britto Berchmans
The center of our day at Chesterton Academy of The Holy Family is our all-school mass. Being able to attend daily mass is one of the greatest blessings our students, faculty, and staff receive from being a part of the Chesterton family, and we know it can be difficult for all Catholics to do the same with their jobs and daily obligations. With that in mind, we would like to share with you snippets from our masses throughout the year.
Cultura Vitae
Now, more than ever, the world is thirsting for lovers of life. The world wants to find joy and fulfillment, but the culture of death does not fulfill them. True joy is found in loving the life that God gave you and recognizing beauty in everyone’s life, especially the unborn and the elderly.
Saints Are Regular Season Champions
An exciting regular season has come to a fitting close for the Lady Saints volleyball team! Their last game was a nail-biting competition against Hinsdale Adventist, ending in glorious victory for the Lady Saints with a final score of 26-24.
Saints Volleyball Starts the Season Undefeated with Seven Straight Wins!
Go Saints!
The Lady Saints volleyball team is bump, set, spiking their way to victory with an unbroken streak of seven wins. Captain Jill Cook has proven to be a stalwart leader as the Saints face our various opponents. The girls have played successful games against IFSA, Lycee de Francais, and Universal, among others. Defeating Universal was a motivating encouragement for the hardworking Lady Saints, as it was our first triumph over this team.
Laying the Foundations of Virtue: The House System at Chesterton
Chesterton Academy’s House system is drawn from the 1,000 year-old tradition of Christian education exemplified in the colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. The Houses provide real, tangible community within the larger school.
St. Francis saw everything in life as dramatic...
G.K. Chesterton once wrote, “Now for St. Francis nothing was ever in the background. We might say that his mind had no background… He saw everything as dramatic, distinct from its setting, not all of a piece like a picture but in action like a play.”
The Joy of Being Catholic - Affiliation with the Diocese of Joliet
Chesterton Academy of The Holy Family is pleased to announce that we are an officially recognized Catholic High School affiliated with the Diocese of Joliet. We thank our staff, faculty, and administration, and all who have helped make this possible, working side by side with Rev. John Belmonte, Diocesan Superintendent of Catholic Schools under the guidance of the Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon, Bishop of Joliet.
Living in a culture of distraction: Are we capable of "deep work"?
How capable are we of "deep work"? The contemporary author, Cal Newport, who has a book by that name, defines "deep work" as "distraction-free concentration that pushes your cognitive capabilities to their limit, creating new value and improving your abilities."
"Connected, but alone?" On the need for silence and solitude
Continuing the theme of silence from post last week, I encourage you to watch another lecture (its 18 minutes long) highlighting the need to cultivate silence and solitude if we are going to be able to love others and be ourselves.
Lent and the Call for Silence
The holy season of Lent is upon us. The practice of silence is an essential way to enter into the penitential spirit of this season and experience its fruit—conversion.
Dante's plea for the intellectual virtues
While sitting in my office a day or two before Christmas break, I overheard an excerpt of a remarkable elocution on the rashness of human judgment delivered by one of our faculty to the Junior/Senior literature class.
"But who can endure the day of his coming...?"
"But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire..." (Mal 3:2, from Friday of the Fourth Week of Advent). I've been listening to Handel's Messiah during the past couple of weeks and one of the songs in the first part takes up this frightening verse.
An Affordable Education: Keeping Tuition Low
Because we seek to transform our culture, from the beginning one of the great principles of Chesterton Academy has been a commitment to thrift. Our dream is a return to the days when a strong, classical Catholic education was affordable for any middle- or working-class family, large or small, living on a single income.
G.K. Chesterton: A Model for the New Evangelization
Chesterton Academy is named for the great English writer and Catholic convert, G.K. Chesterton (1874- 1936). Chesterton is a model for our school because he exemplified the Catholic faith through a life filled with joy, wonder, and gratitude.