St. Francis saw everything in life as dramatic...

G.K. Chesterton once wrote, “Now for St. Francis nothing was ever in the background. We might say that his mind had no background… He saw everything as dramatic, distinct from its setting, not all of a piece like a picture but in action like a play. A bird went by him like an arrow; something with a story and a purpose … A bush could stop him like a brigand; and indeed he was as ready to welcome the brigand as the bush” (St Francis of Assisi)

Yesterday, in The Canticle of the Sun, our Juniors and Seniors brought into action the dramatic lives of St. Francis and St. Clare. Thank you, my friends, for giving us a glimpse into the lives of these two beautiful saints. Your performance was edifying for us.




Laying the Foundations of Virtue: The House System at Chesterton


The Joy of Being Catholic - Affiliation with the Diocese of Joliet