More Resources

As everyone is spending more time at home, we wanted to share another collection of links families may find inspiring and educational. We will be adding to this list in the coming weeks.

Daily Mass

Daily Mass listings from around the world -


Catholic Family Conference - A wonderful opportunity for families to come together to gain a deeper insight into the faith during these times. Enjoy this online conference to enlighten and fortify your family to engage the culture with the truths of the Faith. May 1-2, 2020

March for Life - Join the March for Life for a Facebook premiere party for a behind-the-scenes look at the movie Unplanned. Check out their website for more details and to sign up.

Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton -  Join the Society daily for a variety of beautiful resources and daily prayers! They hold a beautiful live rosary meeting every Thursday evening at 7PM CT which you can join through Instagram or Facebook. Daily Mass with Fr. Joseph Johnson, the chaplain of the Chesterton Schools Network is live streamed on their YouTube page beginning at 8AM CT. He is an amazing leader for the Network and a truly inspiring preacher. Be sure to join him for mass some time!

Tuesdays with the Troubadours - A project of the Chesterton Society, each week's summit with the Troubadours includes a short talk, panel discussion, and Q&A. Don't miss this tonic of humor, conviviality, and joy! Speakers including Dale Ahlquist and Joseph Pearce (both previous speakers at our gala!).

Vatican Museums - Click here for a virtual tour of the Vatican Museums. Visiting there is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. This is an amazing opportunity to visit even remotely.

Online Classes and Learning (Both Free and Paid)

Mrs. Kim Roth - Mrs. Roth will be holding online art classes through her personal art studio for both children and adults. Her art classes are fun and amazing—just like the ones she teaches at school! Visit her studio’s homepage to find out more.

Fr. Thomas Koys - Fr. Koys of St. James at Sag Bridge is personally inviting Chesterton families to join his upcoming three-week course on Thomas Aquinas. The course text is available for free online. For that book and to sign up, just visit his website.

The Ignited by Truth Catholic Conference - Featuring Fr. Michael Gaitley MIC and Fr. Donald Calloway MIC, this conference is bringing together many great speakers to teach the truth.

Other Resources

Fr. Ryan Adorjan - A podcast, by Love Good Culture, on virtuous friendships featuring our very own chaplain!

Fr. Britto Berchmans - Plan of Life Seminar


Chaplain Announcement


Spiritual Resources During Holy Week and COVID-19