Chesterton News

What is the reason for that resistance in us and in our children? Some thoughts from Aristotle
From the Headmaster Hill Conor From the Headmaster Hill Conor

What is the reason for that resistance in us and in our children? Some thoughts from Aristotle

Each of us has experienced that resistance which besets us when doing some task which, to be honest, should be a matter of course, e.g., doing the dishes, getting up in the morning, greeting someone we don't know, taking care of that much-needed spring cleaning, doing something new that is out of our comfort zone, etc.

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How can we know whether we are really educating our students/children? What test can we use?
From the Headmaster Hill Conor From the Headmaster Hill Conor

How can we know whether we are really educating our students/children? What test can we use?

I have a possible response to these questions. First, we must have in mind what the goal of education is, and then we can evaluate whether our students/children are moving toward it. One articulation of our goal is this: We desire to educate your child’s “palate” such that they will know the “taste” of the truth, the good, and the beautiful.

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Moral education: offering "a compelling account of goodness and how to achieve it"
From the Headmaster Hill Conor From the Headmaster Hill Conor

Moral education: offering "a compelling account of goodness and how to achieve it"

"Moral education should provide the young with an understanding of life worthy of themselves—a compelling account of goodness and how to achieve it. If we ask the young only to pursue their desires, should we be surprised if, instead of being uplifted by the freedom we hold out to them, they become bored and disenchanted?”

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