Spiritual Resources During Holy Week and COVID-19
Holy Week Resources
These are difficult times as we go into Holy Week knowing we cannot go to our beloved services. Never has a Lent seemed more like a desert. But rejoice! Many priests and different organizations have been hard at work putting together resources for us to have a fruitful Holy Week from home. We know there are so many more, but here are some wonderful resources that we have compiled for your family. A blessed Holy Week to you and your loved ones!
Daily Mass
Daily Mass Around the World - https://mass-online.org/daily-holy-mass-live-online/
Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton - Join the Society daily for a variety of beautiful resources and daily prayers! https://www.chesterton.org/ and https://www.youtube.com/user/AmCHESTERTONsoc
Ascension - Lenten Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeXS0cAkuTPrp0JyAXuSW0L3gcJpzpLE8
Catholic Family Conference - A wonderful opportunity for families to come together to gain a deeper insight into the faith during these times. Enjoy this online conference to enlighten and fortify your family to engage the culture with the truths of the Faith. May 1-2, 2020 https://catholicfamilyconference.com/
EWTN - “Your faith is a daily source of comfort. But life has been difficult during the last few weeks of COVID-19, including many people not being able to attend Mass. Holy Scripture and the saints remind us that we are not alone. God does not forsake us. With this in mind, EWTN has created a place to help you find comfort and hope. Here, you’ll find prayers specific to this moment, Mass and Adoration links, relevant news, and resources for those who are now homeschooling.” https://www.ewtn.com/
The Holy See - Join our Holy Father and the Vatican from the heart of Rome http://www.vatican.va/content/vatican/en.html
Kansas Monks - The monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey “invite you and your household to join us in a Holy Week retreat in your own home. We will provide a suggested schedule, retreat materials, conferences, and guidance to help us each day enter together into the great reality of the life, death, and resurrection of the One who never abandons us, Jesus Christ. The retreat will begin on Holy Wednesday (April 8) and conclude on Easter Sunday (April 12).” https://www.kansasmonks.org/new-blog/2020/3/28/2020-holy-week-retreat
Relevant Radio - Close to Jesus to the Last: The Passion of Christ in Five Parts
"A special five-part Holy Week mission series presented by our own Father Rocky. Each day we’ll pause for an hour to take a deeper look at all the events that led to the crucifixion and glorious resurrection of Our Lord. Father will walk us through Christ’s Passion with special reflections, teachings, specially selected music and prayer. 6pm CST or use the link below to listen Monday through Friday.”
Shroud of Turin - On Saturday, the Archbishop of Turin announced that after receiving several requests, he would display what is believed to be Jesus’s burial shroud during Holy Week amid the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. https://cruxnow.com/covid-19/2020/04/shroud-of-turin-to-be-shown-via-tv-and-social-media-for-coronavirus-outbreak/
Vatican Museums - Virtual Tour http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/tour-virtuali-elenco.html
Word on Fire - Daily mass, blog posts, homilies, free online courses, and more! https://www.wordonfire.org/
Diocese of Joliet - https://www.dioceseofjoliet.org/
Archdiocese of Chicago - https://www.archchicago.org/
Diocese of Rockford - https://www.rockforddiocese.org/
Diocese of Phoenix - https://dphx.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/2020-04-DPHX-HOLY-WEEK.pdf
Fr. Ryan Adorjan
Lent Mission Back to Basics https://youtu.be/zsRbmoYSJJo
Lent Mission What the heck is discipleship, anyway? https://youtu.be/WMWhU7FDpSU
Fr. Chris Alar - No confession? No communion? No grace? https://youtu.be/_JpE527VbFI
Fr. Charles Becker - Messages of the Blessed Mother https://youtu.be/wRxsB2H8QAM
Fr. Steven Borello
Grief Amid Coronavirus https://youtu.be/4Ml3ZCSYJ9Y
What you can do with your fear right now https://youtu.be/HPFExGgFlwg
Homily about annoying friends https://youtu.be/SRPCx8ybWtM
Plan of Life
When do I want to get up?
When do I need to go to bed?
When am I going to pray?
What are my responsibilities?
What keeps me from fulfilling them?
When am I taking breaks and playing?
When will I exercise? x3
When am I going to reach out to friends?
When am I going to spend time with family?
Fr. Tom Koys - Live streams of daily mass, adoration, and more… https://www.facebook.com/SaintJamesAtSagBridge/
Fr. Roger Landry - We had a wonderful Plan of Life Seminar with Fr. Roger Landry, author of Plan of Life, last week on 04/10/2020. In case you missed it, here is a recording that you will gain much insight from, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr83h0B2UyA&list=PLAJA4XrUmcuC1b93-zA7Rj5RBTS3I2iJh&index=2
Fr. Burke Masters - What to do in life’s storms https://youtu.be/Vtiml3WdzlY