October Spiritual Resources

Dear Chesterton Families, welcome to the spiritual resource page for the month of October!

Each month, we will be creating a spiritual resource page for the whole community. We will update the page as we receive more resources, so be sure to check back!

Rosary for Chesterton Academy - Our wonderful Cross Country coach, Amy Kwilinski, has organized a Chesterton mothers rosary group dedicated to prayers for the school. They will be meeting to pray together on Thursdays at 3:10, at the playground on campus, weather permitting. Please direct any questions to Amy. What an incredible community we have! The family that prays together, stays together.

40 Days for Life - 40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. Sign up to pray at the nearby clinic, where our students also prayed for their October CV Night, here. Be a witness for the sanctity of life!

Vocations Camp Weekend for High School Men - Fr. Steven Borello, the Vocations Director in the Diocese of Joliet will be hosting a vocations weekend for young men on Saturday, October 24. There will be opportunities for mass, prayer, and listening to great speakers, as well as a lot of fun activities for the guys. Find more information here.


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